This is from an article, not an OpEd, in the Los Angeles Times:

Proposition 63 would enact the toughest gun controls in the United States. But it also would do something else: represent an astonishing historical milestone. And if passed as expected, the ballot measure would illustrate a textbook example of how public policy can be radically changed in a democracy laden with competing checks and balances. How is that? Through the long, slow process of taking incremental steps over decades. By pushing hard and steadily, but with patience.

Read that carefully. The ballot proposition is a "textbook example" of strangling the Bill of Rights with Legislation (in this case a ballot referendum). Read it again:

a democracy laden with competing checks and balances.


The author believes that the checks and balances in the American Republic are a burden to the whims of the mob rule of democracy.

You may like this result. You may smirk or wink at it because your "side" won something by it. Be assured, when the people who believe that the end justifies the means and that rights come from government are through with those you are against, they will come for you, too.

Read the entire article here.


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